Here are my latest thoughts on compilers for low level languages
(I think C). I am a pretty big fan of the C language. What I like
with C is that when you write it and know your target platform you
have pretty good idea what the code generated will be. It is very
predictable. C was designed at a time where programs had to be very
simple, and this includes compilers. So C is trying to be as
expressive as possible while remaining very easy to compile.
It seems that this ideal is now slipping out of sight among
language users and compiler writers. Recently, a new family of
bugs has emerged, compilers exploit undefined behavior
as defined in the C standard to enable "optimizations".
This mail shows how GCC removes a check for overflow that has
undefined behavior without any warning. In the same vein,
this article describes a bug in the Linux kernel that was aggravated by
another undefined behavior based GCC optimization. Another recent article
tries to show how, in modern C, one should zero a piece
of memory. This problem is made hard by optimizing compilers
that know the semantics of memset and will
optimize it out if the it does not change the observational
behavior of C programs.
These different behaviors of compilers greatly impair the predictability,
and I think this is a real deal breaker for many people.
But why predictability is something important? Well, consider
the following function. If the compiler is predictable, the
memset call will be compiled down to assembly.
void f() {
char *p = malloc(512);
if (!p) return;
memset(p, 0, 512);
If only standard C is using this function, it is perfectly
fine to remove the memory clearing call to memset. But we are
not in a world where only well-behaved C calls C. This function
could very well be called by some malicious code that tries to
access back the memory just freed. In that case, not zeroing
the memory causes a security bug since sensitive information can
be accessed. So, "modern" compilers, when they do
their job, assume that all code is written in C and well behaved.
This is obviously not true in the real world, where abstraction
leaps exist and can be exploited.
The previous argument shows that predictability is essential
for security. Another important area where predictability is
important is performance evaluation. While basic optimizations
are critical, when C is used for embedded applications,
predictability of the compiler is usually preferred to crazy
compiler tricks. This is true for a simple reason, programmers
want to evaluate the cost of their programs at the C level
but what runs is the actual compiled code. These two abstraction
layers need to be related in some simple way for the analysis
on the high level to be relevant. Airbus, for example, uses
a custom GCC version with all optimizations disabled.
If I have to sum it up, I think simpler is better, and
compiler writers are taking a slippery path that could very
well lead their compilers to be unusable for many applications
where C used to shine. The focus is a lot more on a literal
and probably misguided interpretation of the standard than it
is on usability and relevance of compilers to today's
problems. And, to be honest, is any of the above
"optimizations" critical to any application that is not
a contrived benchmark?