1: let dbg = ref true
   2: and inch = ref stdin
   4: type tok =
   5:   | Op of string
   6:   | ILit of int
   7:   | SLit of int * string
   8:   | Sym of int
  10: let bufferize f =
  11:   let buf = ref None in
  12:   (fun () ->
  13:     match !buf with
  14:     | Some x -> buf := None; x
  15:     | None -> f ()),
  16:   (fun x ->
  17:     assert (!buf = None);
  18:     buf := Some x)
  20: let getch, ungetch =
  21:   bufferize (fun () -> input_char !inch)
  23: let peekch () =
  24:   let ch = getch () in
  25:   ungetch ch; ch
  27: let addsym, symstr, symitr =
  28:   let symtab = Array.make 100 "" and syms = ref 0 in
  29:   let rec find s n =
  30:     if n >= !syms then (incr syms; n) else
  31:     if symtab.(n) = s then n else
  32:     find s (n+1) in
  34:   (fun s ->
  35:     let sid = find s 0 in
  36:     symtab.(sid) <- s;
  37:     sid),
  39:   (fun n ->
  40:     assert (n < !syms);
  41:     symtab.(n)),
  43:   (fun f ->
  44:     for i=0 to !syms-1 do
  45:       f i symtab.(i)
  46:     done)
  48: let glo = String.make 0x1000 '\x00'
  49: and gpos = ref 0
  51: let base = 0x400000
  52: and textoff = 0xe8
  54: let next =
  55:   let s = String.create 100 in
  57:   let getq () =
  58:     match getch () with
  59:     | '\\' when peekch () = 'n' ->
  60:       ignore (getch ()); '\n'
  61:     | c -> c in
  63:   let isid = function
  64:     | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' -> true
  65:     | _ -> false in
  67:   let rec id n ch =
  68:     s.[n] <- ch;
  69:     if isid (peekch ())
  70:     then id (n+1) (getch ())
  71:     else Sym (addsym (String.sub s 0 (n+1))) in
  73:   let rec ilit n =
  74:     match peekch () with
  75:     | '0' .. '9' -> ilit (10*n + Char.code (getch ()) - 48)
  76:     | _ -> ILit n in
  78:   let rec slit b e =
  79:     match peekch () with
  80:     | '"' ->
  81:       ignore (getch ());
  82:       gpos := (e + 8) land -8;
  83:       SLit (b+textoff + base, String.sub glo b (e-b))
  84:     | _ ->
  85:       glo.[e] <- getq ();
  86:       slit b (e+1) in
  88:   let longops =
  89:     [ "++"; "--"; "&&"; "||"; "==";
  90:       "<="; ">="; "!="; ">>"; "<<" ] in
  91:   let rec op ch = function
  92:     | lop :: l ->
  93:       if lop.[0] = ch && lop.[1] = peekch ()
  94:       then (ignore (getch ()); Op lop)
  95:       else op ch l
  96:     | [] -> Op (String.make 1 ch) in
  98:   let cconst () =
  99:     let ch = getq () in
 100:     let qt = getch () in
 101:     if qt <> '\'' then failwith "syntax error" else
 102:     ILit (Char.code ch) in
 104:   let rec skip () =
 105:     match getch () with
 106:     | '\t' | ' ' | '\r' | '\n' -> skip ()
 107:     | '/' when peekch () = '*' -> com (ignore (getch ()))
 108:     | ch -> ch
 109:   and com () =
 110:     match getch () with
 111:     | '*' when peekch () = '/' -> skip (ignore (getch ()))
 112:     | _ -> com () in
 114:   fun () -> (* next token *)
 115:     match
 116:       try Some (skip ())
 117:       with End_of_file -> None
 118:     with
 119:     | Some ('0' .. '9' as c) -> ilit (Char.code c - 48)
 120:     | Some '"' -> slit !gpos !gpos
 121:     | Some '\'' -> cconst ()
 122:     | Some c when isid c -> id 0 c
 123:     | Some c -> op c longops
 124:     | None -> Op "EOF!"
 126: let next, unnext =
 127:   bufferize next
 129: let nextis t =
 130:   let nt = next () in
 131:   unnext nt; t = nt
 133: let obuf = String.make 0x100000 '\x00'
 134: and opos = ref 0
 136: let rec out x =
 137:   if x <> 0 then begin
 138:     out (x/0x100);
 139:     obuf.[!opos] <- Char.chr (x land 0xff);
 140:     incr opos
 141:   end
 143: let le n x =
 144:   for i = 0 to n/8 - 1 do
 145:     let byte = (x lsr (i*8)) land 0xff in
 146:     obuf.[!opos] <- Char.chr byte;
 147:     incr opos
 148:   done
 150: let get32 l =
 151:   Char.code obuf.[l] +
 152:   Char.code obuf.[l+1] * 0x100 +
 153:   Char.code obuf.[l+2] * 0x10000 +
 154:   Char.code obuf.[l+3] * 0x1000000
 156: let rec patch rel loc n =
 157:   assert (n < 0x100000000);
 158:   if loc <> 0 then begin
 159:     let i = !opos in
 160:     let loc' = get32 loc in
 161:     let x = if rel then n - (loc+4) else n in
 162:     if !dbg then
 163:       Printf.eprintf "patching at %d to %d (n=%d)\n" loc x n;
 164:     opos := loc; le 32 x;
 165:     patch rel loc' n;
 166:     opos := i
 167:   end
 169: let load r n =
 170:   out (0xb8+r); le 32 n
 172: let cmp n =
 173:   load 0 0;
 174:   out (0x0f92c0 + (n lsl 8))
 176: let test n l =
 177:   out 0x4885c0;
 178:   out (0x0f84 + n);
 179:   let loc = !opos in
 180:   le 32 l;
 181:   loc
 183: let align = ref 0
 184: let push r =
 185:   incr align;
 186:   if r<8
 187:   then out (0x50+r)
 188:   else out (0x4150+r-8)
 189: and pop r =
 190:   decr align;
 191:   if r<8
 192:   then out (0x58+r)
 193:   else out (0x4158+r-8)
 195: type lvpatch =
 196:   | Mov of int
 197:   | Del of int
 199: type lvty =
 200:   | Int
 201:   | Chr
 203: let lval = ref (Mov 0, Int)
 205: let patchlval () =
 206:   match fst !lval with
 207:   | Mov n -> obuf.[!opos - n] <- '\x8d'
 208:   | Del n -> opos := !opos - n
 210: let read = function
 211:   | Int ->
 212:     out 0x488b; le 8 0;
 213:     lval := (Del 3, Int)
 214:   | Chr ->
 215:     out 0x480fb6; le 8 0;
 216:     lval := (Del 4, Chr)
 218: type globref = { loc : int; va : int }
 220: let globs = Array.make 100 { loc = 0; va = -1 }
 222: let lvls = [
 223:   ("*", 0); ("/", 0); ("%", 0);
 224:   ("+", 1); ("-", 1);
 225:   ("<<", 2); (">>", 2);
 226:   ("<", 3); ("<=", 3); (">", 3); (">=", 3);
 227:   ("==", 4); ("!=", 4);
 228:   ("&", 5);
 229:   ("^", 6);
 230:   ("|", 7);
 231:   ("&&", 8);
 232:   ("||", 9);
 233: ]
 235: type ins =
 236:   | Bin of int list
 237:   | Cmp of int
 239: let inss = [
 240:   ("*", Bin [0x480fafc1]);
 241:   ("/", Bin [0x4891; 0x4899; 0x48f7f9]);
 242:   ("%", Bin [0x4891; 0x4899; 0x48f7f9; 0x4892]);
 243:   ("+", Bin [0x4801c8]); ("-", Bin [0x4891; 0x4829c8]);
 244:   ("<<", Bin [0x4891; 0x48d3e0]); (">>", Bin [0x4891; 0x48d3f8]);
 245:   ("<", Cmp 10); ("<=", Cmp 12); (">", Cmp 13); (">=", Cmp 11);
 246:   ("==", Cmp 2); ("!=", Cmp 3);
 247:   ("&", Bin [0x4821c8]);
 248:   ("^", Bin [0x4831c8]);
 249:   ("|", Bin [0x4809c8])
 250: ]
 252: let tokint   = Sym (addsym "int")
 253: and tokchar  = Sym (addsym "char")
 254: and tokret   = Sym (addsym "return")
 255: and tokif    = Sym (addsym "if")
 256: and tokelse  = Sym (addsym "else")
 257: and tokwhile = Sym (addsym "while")
 258: and tokfor   = Sym (addsym "for")
 259: and tokbreak = Sym (addsym "break")
 261: let rec binary stk lvl =
 262:   if lvl = -1 then unary stk else
 263:   let lvlof o =
 264:     if not (List.mem_assoc o lvls) then -1 else
 265:     List.assoc o lvls in
 266:   let rec fold () =
 267:     match next () with
 268:     | Op o when lvlof o = lvl ->
 269:       push 0;                   (* push %rax            *)
 270:       binary stk (lvl-1);
 271:       pop 1;                    (* pop %rcx             *)
 272:       begin match List.assoc o inss with
 273:       | Bin ops -> List.iter out ops
 274:       | Cmp c -> out 0x4839c1; cmp c
 275:       end;
 276:       fold ()
 277:     | t -> unnext t in
 278:   let rec foldtst loc =
 279:     match next () with
 280:     | Op o when lvlof o = lvl ->
 281:       let loc' = test (lvl-8) loc in
 282:       binary stk (lvl-1);
 283:       foldtst loc'
 284:     | t -> unnext t; loc in
 285:   binary stk (lvl-1);
 286:   if lvl < 8 then fold () else
 287:   let loc = foldtst 0 in
 288:   patch true loc !opos
 290: and unary stk =
 291:   match next () with
 292:   | Sym i ->
 293:     if List.mem_assoc i stk then (
 294:       let l = List.assoc i stk in
 295:       assert (l > -256);
 296:       out (0x488b45);
 297:       out (l land 255);         (* mov l(%rbp), %rax    *)
 298:       lval := (Mov 3, Int))
 299:     else (
 300:       out 0x48b8;
 301:       let g = globs.(i)
 302:       and loc = !opos in
 303:       le 64 g.loc;              (* mov $g.loc, %rax     *)
 304:       globs.(i) <- { g with loc };
 305:       read Int);
 306:     postfix stk
 307:   | SLit (l, _) ->
 308:     out 0x48b8;
 309:     le 64 l                     (* mov $l, %rax         *)
 310:   | ILit i -> load 0 i          (* mov $i, %eax         *)
 311:   | Op "(" ->
 312:     expr stk;
 313:     ignore (next ());           (* XXX use expect here  *)
 314:     postfix stk
 315:   | Op "*" ->
 316:     let (ty, i) =
 317:       ignore (next ());
 318:       match next () with
 319:       | t when t = tokint ->
 320:         if next () = Op "*"
 321:         then (Int, 1) else (Int, 5)
 322:       | t when t = tokchar -> (Chr, 2)
 323:       | _ -> failwith "[cast] expected" in
 324:     for k=1 to i
 325:       do ignore (next ()) done;
 326:     unary stk;
 327:     read ty
 328:   | Op "&" ->
 329:     unary stk;
 330:     patchlval ()
 331:   | Op o ->
 332:     let unops =
 333:       [ ("+", 0);
 334:         ("-", 0x48f7d8);
 335:         ("~", 0x48f7d0);
 336:         ("!", 0x4885c0) ] in
 337:     unary stk;
 338:     if not (List.mem_assoc o unops) then
 339:       failwith (Printf.sprintf "unknown operator %s" o);
 340:     out (List.assoc o unops);
 341:     if o = "!" then
 342:       cmp 2                     (* setz %al             *)
 344: and postfix stk =
 345:   match next () with
 346:   | Op ("++" | "--" as op) ->
 347:     let ol = [
 348:       (("++", Int), 0x48ff01);  (* incq (%rcx)          *)
 349:       (("--", Int), 0x48ff09);  (* decq (%rcx)          *)
 350:       (("++", Chr), 0xfe01);    (* incb (%rcx)          *)
 351:       (("--", Chr), 0xfe09);    (* decb (%rcx)          *)
 352:     ] in
 353:     patchlval ();
 354:     out 0x4889c1;               (* mov %rax, %rcx       *)
 355:     read (snd !lval);
 356:     out (List.assoc (op, snd !lval) ol)
 357:   | Op "(" ->
 358:     let regs = [ 7; 6; 2; 1; 8; 9 ] in
 359:     let rec emitargs l rl =
 360:       if nextis (Op ")") then (
 361:         ignore (next ());
 362:         List.iter pop l)
 363:       else (
 364:         expr stk;
 365:         push 0;
 366:         if nextis (Op ",") then
 367:           ignore (next ());
 368:         emitargs (List.hd rl :: l) (List.tl rl)) in
 369:     patchlval ();
 370:     push 0;                     (* push %rax            *)
 371:     emitargs [] regs;
 372:     pop 0;                      (* pop %rax             *)
 373:     if !align mod 2 <> 0 then
 374:       out 0x4883ec08;           (* sub 8, %rsp          *)
 375:     out 0xffd0;                 (* call *%rax           *)
 376:     if !align mod 2 <> 0 then
 377:       out 0x4883c408            (* add 8, %rsp          *)
 378:   | t -> unnext t
 380: and expr stk =
 381:   let rec eqexpr () =
 382:     match next () with
 383:     | Op "=" ->
 384:       patchlval ();
 385:       let ty = snd !lval in
 386:       push 0;                   (* push %rax            *)
 387:       expr stk;
 388:       pop 1;                    (* pop %rcx             *)
 389:       if ty = Int
 390:       then out 0x488901         (* mov %rax, (%rcx)     *)
 391:       else out 0x8801;          (* mov %al, (%rcx)      *)
 392:       eqexpr ()
 393:     | t -> unnext t in
 394:   binary stk 10;
 395:   eqexpr ()
 397: let rec decl g n stk =
 398:   match next () with
 399:   | t when t = tokint ->
 400:     let top =
 401:       match stk with
 402:       | (_, i) :: _ -> i
 403:       | _ -> 0 in
 404:     let rec vars n stk =
 405:       while nextis (Op "*")
 406:         do ignore (next ()) done;
 407:       if nextis (Op ";") then (n, stk) else
 408:       match next () with
 409:       | Sym s ->
 410:         let n' = n + 1 in
 411:         let stk' =
 412:           if g then (
 413:             let glo = globs.(s) in
 414:             if glo.va >= 0 then
 415:               failwith "symbol defined twice";
 416:             let va = !gpos+textoff + base in
 417:             globs.(s) <- { glo with va };
 418:             gpos := !gpos + 8;
 419:             stk)
 420:           else
 421:             (s, top - 8*n') :: stk in
 422:         if not (nextis (Op ","))
 423:         then (n', stk') else begin
 424:           ignore (next ());
 425:           vars n' stk'
 426:         end
 427:       | _ -> failwith "[var] expected in [decl]" in
 428:     let (m, stk') = vars 0 stk in
 429:     ignore (next ());
 430:     if !dbg then
 431:       Printf.eprintf "end of decl (%d vars)\n" n;
 432:     decl g (n+m) stk'
 433:   | t ->
 434:     unnext t;
 435:     if not g && n <> 0 then begin
 436:       assert (n * 8 < 256);
 437:       out 0x4883ec;
 438:       out (n * 8);              (* sub $n*8, %rsp       *)
 439:       align := !align+n
 440:     end;
 441:     if !dbg && not g then
 442:       prerr_endline "end of blk decls";
 443:     (n, stk)
 445: let retl = ref 0
 447: let rec stmt brk stk =
 448:   let pexpr stk =
 449:     ignore (next ());           (* XXX expect (         *)
 450:     expr stk;
 451:     ignore (next ()) in         (* XXX expect )         *)
 452:   match next () with
 453:   | t when t = tokif ->
 454:     pexpr stk;
 455:     let loc = test 0 0 in
 456:     stmt brk stk;
 457:     let loc =
 458:       if not (nextis tokelse)
 459:       then loc else begin
 460:         ignore (next ());
 461:         out 0xe9;               (* jmp                  *)
 462:         let l = !opos in
 463:         le 32 0;
 464:         patch true loc !opos;
 465:         stmt brk stk;
 466:         l
 467:       end in
 468:     patch true loc !opos
 469:   | t when t = tokwhile || t = tokfor ->
 470:     let (bl, ba) = (ref 0, !align) in
 471:     let (bdy, itr) =
 472:       if t = tokwhile then (
 473:         let loc = !opos in
 474:         pexpr stk;
 475:         bl := test 0 0;
 476:         (0, loc))
 477:       else (
 478:         ignore (next ());
 479:         if not (nextis (Op ";")) then
 480:           expr stk;
 481:         ignore (next ());
 482:         let top = !opos in
 483:         if not (nextis (Op ";")) then begin
 484:           expr stk;
 485:           bl := test 0 0
 486:         end else
 487:           bl := 0;
 488:         ignore (next ());
 489:         out 0xe9;
 490:         let bdy = !opos in
 491:         le 32 0;
 492:         let itr = !opos in
 493:         expr stk;
 494:         ignore (next ());
 495:         out 0xe9;
 496:         le 32 (top - !opos - 4);
 497:         (bdy, itr)) in
 498:     patch true bdy !opos;
 499:     stmt (bl, ba) stk;
 500:     out 0xe9;                   (* jmp                  *)
 501:     le 32 (itr - !opos - 4);
 502:     patch true !bl !opos
 503:   | t when t = tokret ->
 504:     if not (nextis (Op ";")) then
 505:       expr stk;
 506:     ignore (next ());           (* XXX expect here      *)
 507:     out 0xe9;                   (* jmp                  *)
 508:     let loc = !opos in
 509:     le 32 !retl;
 510:     retl := loc
 511:   | t when t = tokbreak ->
 512:     ignore (next ());
 513:     let (brkl, brka) = brk in
 514:     let n = !align - brka in
 515:     assert (n >= 0);
 516:     if n <> 0 then begin
 517:       out 0x4883c4;             (* add $n*8, %rsp       *)
 518:       out (n * 8)
 519:     end;
 520:     out 0xe9;
 521:     let loc = !opos in
 522:     le 32 !brkl;
 523:     brkl := loc
 524:   | Op "{" -> block brk stk
 525:   | Op ";" -> ()
 526:   | t ->
 527:     unnext t;
 528:     expr stk;
 529:     ignore (next ())            (* use expect  XXX      *)
 531: and block brk stk =
 532:   let (n, stk') = decl false 0 stk in
 533:   while not (nextis (Op "}")) do
 534:     stmt brk stk';
 535:   done;
 536:   ignore (next ());
 537:   if n <> 0 then begin
 538:     out 0x4883c4;
 539:     out (n * 8);                (* add $n*8, %rsp       *)
 540:     align := !align-n
 541:   end
 543: let rec top () =
 544:   if not (nextis (Op "EOF!")) then
 545:   if nextis tokint
 546:   then (ignore (decl true 0 []); top ())
 547:   else match next () with
 548:   | Sym f ->
 549:     let g = globs.(f) in
 550:     if g.va >= 0 then
 551:       failwith "symbol defined twice";
 552:     globs.(f) <- { g with va = !opos };
 553:     let regs = [ 7; 6; 2; 1; 8; 9 ] in
 554:     let rec emitargs regs n stk =
 555:       match next () with
 556:       | Sym i ->
 557:         let r = List.hd regs in
 558:         push r;
 559:         if nextis (Op ",") then
 560:           ignore (next ());
 561:         let stk' = (i, -n*8) :: stk in
 562:         emitargs (List.tl regs) (n+1) stk'
 563:       | Op ")" -> stk
 564:       | _ -> failwith "[var] or ) expected" in
 565:     ignore (next ());           (* expect here XXX      *)
 566:     align := 0;
 567:     out 0x55;                   (* push %rbp  NO push!  *)
 568:     out 0x4889e5;               (* mov %rsp, %rbp       *)
 569:     let stk = emitargs regs 1 [] in
 570:     while next () <> Op "{"
 571:       do () done;
 572:     retl := 0;
 573:     block (ref 0, 0) stk;
 574:     patch true !retl !opos;
 575:     out 0xc9c3;                 (* leave; ret           *)
 576:     if !dbg then
 577:       Printf.eprintf "done with function %s\n" (symstr f);
 578:     top ()
 579:   | _ -> failwith "[decl] or [fun] expected"
 581: let elfhdr =
 582:   String.concat ""
 583:   [ "\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01\x00";  (* e_ident, 64bits, little endian *)
 584:     "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
 585:     "\x02\x00";                 (* e_type, ET_EXEC      *)
 586:     "\x3e\x00";                 (* e_machine, EM_X86_64 *)
 587:     "\x01\x00\x00\x00";         (* e_version, EV_CURRENT*)
 588:     "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; (* e_entry      *)
 589:     "\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; (* e_phoff      *)
 590:     "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; (* e_shoff      *)
 591:     "\x00\x00\x00\x00";         (* e_flags              *)
 592:     "\x40\x00";                 (* e_hsize              *)
 593:     "\x38\x00";                 (* e_phentsize          *)
 594:     "\x03\x00";                 (* e_phnum              *)
 595:     "\x40\x00";                 (* e_shentsize          *)
 596:     "\x00\x00";                 (* e_shnum              *)
 597:     "\x00\x00";                 (* e_shstrndx           *)
 598:   ]
 600: let elfphdr ty off sz align =
 601:   le 32 ty;                     (* p_type               *)
 602:   le 32 7;                      (* p_flags, RWX         *)
 603:   le 64 off;                    (* p_offset             *)
 604:   le 64 (off + base);           (* p_vaddr              *)
 605:   le 64 (off + base);           (* p_paddr              *)
 606:   le 64 sz;                     (* p_filesz             *)
 607:   le 64 sz;                     (* p_memsz              *)
 608:   le 64 align                   (* p_align              *)
 610: let elfgen outf =
 611:   let entry = !opos in
 612:   let main = addsym "main" in
 613:   let gmain = globs.(main) in
 614:   out 0x488b3c24;               (* mov (%rsp), %rdi     *)
 615:   out 0x488d742408;             (* lea 8(%rsp), %rsi    *)
 616:   out 0x48b8;
 617:   le 64 gmain.loc;              (* mov main, %rax       *)
 618:   globs.(main) <- { gmain with loc = !opos-8 };
 619:   out 0xffd0;                   (* call *%rax           *)
 620:   out 0x89c7;                   (* mov %eax, %edi       *)
 621:   load 0 0x3c;
 622:   out 0x0f05;                   (* syscall              *)
 623:   let off = textoff + !gpos in
 624:   let itr f =
 625:     symitr (fun i s ->
 626:       let g = globs.(i) in
 627:       if g.va < 0 && g.loc <> 0 then
 628:         f s (String.length s) g.loc) in
 629:   let va x = x+off + base in
 630:   let patchloc i _ =
 631:     let g = globs.(i) in
 632:     if g.va >= 0 && g.va < base then
 633:       patch false g.loc (va g.va)
 634:     else if g.va >= 0 then
 635:       patch false g.loc g.va in
 636:   symitr patchloc;
 637:   let strtab = !opos in
 638:   incr opos;                    (* initial 0            *)
 639:   let dl = "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2\x00libc.so.6"
 640:   and dllen = 27+1+9 in
 641:   String.blit dl 0 obuf !opos dllen;
 642:   opos := !opos + dllen+1;
 643:   itr (fun s sl _ ->
 644:     String.blit s 0 obuf !opos sl;
 645:     opos := !opos + sl+1);
 646:   opos := (!opos + 7) land -8;
 647:   let symtab = !opos
 648:   and n = ref (dllen+2) in
 649:   opos := !opos + 24;           (* first is reserved    *)
 650:   itr (fun _ sl _ ->
 651:     le 32 !n;                   (* st_name              *)
 652:     le 32 0x10;                 (* global | notype      *)
 653:     le 64 0;                    (* st_value             *)
 654:     le 64 0;                    (* st_size              *)
 655:     n := !n + sl+1);
 656:   let rel = !opos
 657:   and n = ref 1 in
 658:   itr (fun _ _ l ->
 659:     let rec genrel l =
 660:       if l <> 0 then begin
 661:         le 64 (va l);
 662:         le 64 (1 + !n lsl 32);  (* R_X86_64_64          *)
 663:         le 64 0;
 664:         genrel (get32 l)
 665:       end in
 666:     genrel l;
 667:     incr n);
 668:   let hash = !opos in
 669:   let n = (rel-symtab)/24 - 1 in
 670:   le 32 1;                      (* nbucket              *)
 671:   le 32 (n+1);                  (* nchain               *)
 672:   le 32 (if n>0 then 1 else 0);
 673:   for i=1 to n do
 674:     le 32 i
 675:   done;
 676:   le 32 0;
 677:   let dyn = !opos in
 678:   List.iter (le 64) [
 679:     1; 29;                      (* DT_NEEDED libc.so.6  *)
 680:     4; (va hash);               (* DT_HASH              *)
 681:     5; (va strtab);             (* DT_STRTAB            *)
 682:     6; (va symtab);             (* DT_SYMTAB            *)
 683:     7; (va rel);                (* DT_RELA              *)
 684:     8; (hash-rel);              (* DT_RELASZ            *)
 685:     9; 24;                      (* DT_RELAENT           *)
 686:     10; (symtab-strtab);        (* DT_STRSZ             *)
 687:     11; 24;                     (* DT_SYMENT            *)
 688:     0; (* 0; *)                 (* DT_NULL              *)
 689:   ];
 690:   let tend = !opos in
 691:   String.blit obuf 0 obuf off tend;
 692:   String.blit glo 0 obuf textoff !gpos;
 693:   String.blit elfhdr 0 obuf 0 64;
 694:   opos := 64;
 695:   elfphdr 3 (strtab+1+off) 28 1; (* PT_INTERP           *)
 696:   elfphdr 1 0 (tend+off) 0x200000; (* PT_LOAD           *)
 697:   elfphdr 2 (dyn+off) (tend-dyn) 8; (* PT_DYNAMIC       *)
 698:   assert (!opos = textoff);
 699:   patch false 24 (va entry);
 700:   output_string outf (String.sub obuf 0 (tend+off))
 702: let main () =
 703:   let doone c stk =
 704:     opos := 0; c stk;
 705:     print_string (String.sub obuf 0 !opos) in
 706:   let ppsym = function
 707:     | Op s -> Printf.printf "Operator '%s'\n" s
 708:     | ILit i -> Printf.printf "Int literal %d\n" i
 709:     | SLit (_, s) -> Printf.printf "Str literal %S\n" s
 710:     | Sym i -> Printf.printf "Symbol '%s' (%d)\n" (symstr i) i in
 711:   let rec pptoks () =
 712:     match next () with
 713:     | Op "EOF!" -> Printf.printf "End of input stream\n"
 714:     | tok -> ppsym tok; pptoks () in
 716:   match
 717:     if Array.length Sys.argv < 2
 718:     then "-blk" else Sys.argv.(1)
 719:   with
 720:   | "-lex" -> pptoks ()
 721:   | "-blk" -> doone (block (ref 0, 0)) []
 722:   | f ->
 723:     let oc = open_out "out" in
 724:     inch := open_in f;
 725:     top (); elfgen oc;
 726:     close_out oc
 728: let _ = main ()

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